Sunday, November 25, 2012

Puppies don't understand...

..that moving is stressful. 

Abby and Ryan understand - Abby has moved at least 7 times with me in the past 7 years. Ryan is probably up to 5 or so. 

Maybe it's best to learn from babies. 

I read Loic this book the other night. Look at the valuable life lesson:

Also, take joy in the simple things in life. I wish chewing on tupperware made me this happy.

Abby listened to the puppy: she forgot she was stressed out and started playing. Ryan did, too, a second after this photo...but then there was too much chaos to take another photo. 

Loic looks more like an old man than a baby in his "comfy cozy housecoat".

I've lived in Erika and Rob's suite for the past 2 years and it's been the best living situation. I'm very sad to move out...but my work contract is up (after 4.5 years) and it's time for some major life changes. I've loved being able to go upstairs and visit so easily, and loved being such a big part of the family. I'm pretty sure the neighbours think we are polygamous since we refer to me as the "second wife". 

So my last day of work is Friday and I go traveling for a few months a few days after that. Abby and Ryan are staying with my parents - this will be the longest I've ever left them and it will be hard. 

On a side note, this is the huge cat that I took care of for the last two nights. He sucked on my hair all night. It was weird. 

1 comment:

Erika said...

We miss you already!
Can you believe we asked everyone we knew if it was a good idea for you to move in? It was so great in so many different ways.
That baby sure loves tupperware :)