Saturday was a pretty normal weekend day. We discovered a new field, though, that was HUGE and empty.
Sunday we went for a hike with 25 dogs!! I think there were about 10 people. We were such a big group that we just kept picking up people along the way. Most of the dogs were Border Collies (with 5 fosters, Mia and Baz included). There was also a greyhound, a terrier, an couple of Aussies, a poodle, a lab x and, of course, the NuttyMutt herself. Basil behaved perfectly, which was nice since I had to have my eye on Abby constantly. She was good with all the other dogs, but when we stopped to play fetch...she just went into overdrive. There were a LOT of dogs to try and chase, but that didn't stop her. She'd choose her target and make that particular dog's life a living hell (by bouncing around it and barking in its ear) for about 5 minutes, then she'd move on. Eventually I put her on a leash (she wasn't letting me catch her, and I was getting very frustrated with her) and I could see her visibly relax once she was restrained. It was like all the pressure of 'having' to chase the other dogs was taken off of her. She also took off away from the group twice to bark at and chase a lab that was excited about a ball - my resolve to work with her on a long line close to other dogs playing fetch has been renewed. I have a few friends with fetch crazy dogs that I can practice with, so that should help.
All in all, the hike was lots of fun, but also very stressful. I had a sore throat afterwards from the constant recalls to make sure that Baz and Abby were still around (not that Abby would leave...but she sure can find a lot of trouble even when she sticks close by).