Monday, June 10, 2013

Still In Shock.

I went to Regionals this year with no expectations except for, hopefully, at least one run that felt nice with Ryan. 

No expecations became a 1st place in Jumpers, then a 1st place in Gamblers, followed by a 1st place in Standard on Saturday. On Sunday, even with my substantially increased nerves, we managed to have a beautiful opening gamble but missed the main, then a 1st place in Standard and one knocked bar in Jumpers. 

This is Ryan, who normally knocks a bar in every run and goes off course multiple times due to my poor handling. I get nervous and get lost, or doubt where I'm going enough to send him off course, every year at Regionals. 

We ended up in 3rd place in 22" Specials. 

We are obviously the ones up there who don't know how to pose on a podium, since we've never been up there and I never ever *ever* expected to be up there.

He ended up with 514 points - just 13 points behind 1st. 

Ryan is amazing.